hand holding colorful clothing labels
Tips & Tricks

Clothing Labels 101: Which Labels Do I Need?

With so many labels to choose from you can be forgiven for feeling a little confused! Do you need a brand label, laundry label, or perhaps a "made in" label? Let us demystify the different types of labels you see in garments to help you select yours.
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So you need a clothing label? But which ones?

Choosing a clothing label can be tricky. Perhaps you are unsure what exactly all the different labels are for, or what ones you need for your items, and that is okay. In fact, it is more than okay. The term "clothing label" encompasses many different types of labels you will find in any garment or textile product, so sit tight (well, read on) and let us clear up a few of the questions you may have.

If we are going to start with the basics, these are the things you should know. There are approximately five different types of labeling you can find in any one garment, and they are as follows: branding, care (& this can include warning labels), content, size, and country of origin. This information is passed onto customers (or any end-user of the product you are labeling) specifically so they can get the most out of an item. Now you might decide you do not need all of this information on your products, or you may wish to lump some of this together onto fewer labels – this is all possible! Below we discuss these different labels to help inspire you to come up with a combination that best suits your brand.

Brand Labels 

A brand label is the place to let your creativity shine. These labels reflect your personal style and brand identity with a name, logo, color palette, and sometimes contact information. They can be big or small, tucked away or integrated into your item’s design. We recommend choosing woven labels for your branding, and to focus on just a few things, such as your name and logo. Keeping these labels simple in content (but rich in design!) is key to getting an eye-catching and memorable brand label without extra information detracting from that.

Care & Content Labels

A care & content label is an informational label found on any item of clothing or textile you buy. These tags inform the owner of what material the item is made from and will likely also include specific laundering or washing instructions. This label may show both symbols and multiple lines of text, making printed labels perfect for this. Many care & content labels also show the country of origin, so consider adding that if you want to reduce the overall number of labels on your product. If you are selling items to the public, make sure to first check local laws and guidelines before ordering these. Many places have specific rules about care labels within textile products, so you will need to adhere to those.

 Size and Made In Labels to celebrate your origins

Size Labels

Adding a size label to your garments is a good idea, particularly if you are planning to make multiple sizes of similar items or plan to sell them. Size labels can be placed anywhere in a garment, but are usually found next to the care & content label or attached to a brand label. You can also choose to add the sizing information directly onto a care or brand label you already plan to order, but that means you’ll probably need to order a range of labels if you plan on offering more than one size.

Country of Origin Labels

Country of origin, or “Made In ___” labels, represent the origin of the item. Showing this is a legal requirement in most countries and it’s a great way to celebrate locally and ethically produced items. Sometimes the country of origin is on a care & content label, but if you want to show off your item’s heritage, creating a separate tag is a great way to do that.

Hang Tags 

Hang tags call attention to your brand and item in a busy retail setting. They are usually made on heavy card stock and meant to be displayed in a visible place on your item to provide information that shoppers will want to know immediately, like price and size. They are designed to be removed once the item is purchased so many designers use their hang tags as a place to tell the brand story. This is a great way to give new customers a better sense of why your product is special while they are still browsing the rack.