From jackets to belts, purses to wallets, and boots and shoes, leather is a hugely present part of many people’s day to day wardrobe and accessorizing. The reasons for thisisnumerous, but leather is chiefly prized for its durability, ability to finely wear, and unbeatable look in the right application. While vinyl and “pleather” substitutions have grown increasingly popular, and often have their own merit, there’s no substitute for the genuine article – and through use of the phrase “genuine leather”, many millions of products have been sold under the guise of being a high quality, finely crafted piece of leather at their core; unfortunately, the opposite is often true.
The phrase “genuine leather” is really a genius marketing ploy to make cheaply made and sold products seem like they are of a higher quality – the reality is, “genuine leather” is really the term for bonded leather, which is a leather product made chiefly of leather scraps left over from other, higher end cuts mixed with fillers and coated in polyurethane to give it that smooth sheen we have all come to expect from fine leather goods. This is the reason your “genuine leather” purse fell apart after only a few months, or that nice pair of leather shoes quickly succumbed to the elements.
If buying leather in the future and wanting to invest in something more worthwhile, be on the lookout for top grain or full grain leather, both of which may sometimes be referred to as grain leather. These cuts of leather are from the strongest and most durable parts of the animal’s skin, and full grain leather products can last for over a hundred years when properly cared for and maintained. When purchasing any high end or high quality product, be sure to care for it regularly – this will ensure a long life for your real, genuine, high quality leather product, something made of the furthest thing from “genuine leather.”
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