Advanced Sewing Techniques
Insights & Inspiration

Five Advanced Sewing Techniques We All Want to Learn

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Growing your sewing skills requires patience and an insatiable hunger for learning new techniques. There may be a limited number of techniques you can learn in sewing, but they all require patience and practice. Most people need to practice and make mistakes, and practice more until they can execute the technique cleanly and consistently. These five advanced sewing techniques we all want to learn may take some time to master, but they will be a gleaming addition to your sewing skills portfolio.

  1. Underlining

Underlining is a technique that may require a sewer to be able to hand-stitch inside the clothing. There are lots of reasons why you want to put an underlining for your garment. First, it adds a support structure that can add strength and lessen the wrinkles for lightweight outer fabric. It helps to remove the need for facings for fabrics like wool.

  1. Piping and Trims

Piping is not an integral part of a garment, but it can be a major factor in the design. It helps emphasize lines in a design pattern and can be an entirely different style of its own. Pro practice tip: Practice piping by putting it along a simple seam, like in a skirt’s waistband or a jacket’s neckline.

  1. Welt Pockets

You can find welt pockets in pencil skirts, trousers, purses, and even in some coats and jackets. This technique can be easy to learn even with its many variations of the single and double welt or with a zipper.

  1. Complex Construction

Complex construction includes the creation of varying shapes and complicated designs in the fabric through precise adherence to sophisticated pattern markings.

Pro practice tip: Try getting your feet wet with this one by adding ornate and complex sleeves to a plain dress!

  1. Traditional Tailoring

Most, if not all, new sewers dream of being able to do traditional tailoring. This technique involves a lot of complex steps to master. this can be achieved by patiently learning all core and advanced skills by practicing hard and perfecting them over time.

These techniques may sound overwhelming of us who are only beginning to develop our sewing skills. But with patience and discipline you will be able to master these skills! As you practice your skills, why not put some custom clothing labels to your creations for that personalized signature?